
Can James Heal supply items specified in ISO 6330:2012?

ISO 6330 specifies domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing.It also specifies the machine types, ballast and reference detergents required.

Washing Machine

ISO 6330 specifies 3 types of Automatic Washing Machines:

  • Type A Automatic Washing Machines are front loading and have a horizontal axis.
  • Type B Automatic Washing Machines are top loading agitator types and have a vertical axis.
  • Type C Automatic Washing Machines are top loading pulsator types and have a vertical axis.

James Heal supplies the Wascator FOM 71 CLS, which is a Type A machine.

Tumble Dryer

ISO 6330 specifies 3 types of Tumble Dryer:

  • Type A1 – Vented
  • Type A2 – Condenser
  • Type A3 - Large Vented

James Heal supplies AccuDry, which is a Type A1 machine.

Ballast / Makeweights

ISO 6330 specifies 3 types of makeweights:

  • Type 1 – 100% Cotton
  • Type 2 – 50% Cotton/50% Polyester
  • Type 3 – 100% Polyester

Type 1 should be used when testing cellulosic specimens.

Type 2 or 3 should be used when testing synthetic or blended specimens.

James Heal supplies Type 1 (702-536) and Type 3 makeweights (702-532).

Reference Detergents 

ISO 6330 specifies 6 reference detergents options (with 2 options for detergents 1 &  5). The type of detergent for use in a particular machine is specified in the standard.

Reference detergents 2, 3 or 6 should be selected for use with the James Heal Wascator.

The table below indicates which detergents James Heal can supply:

ISO 6330