
Are James Heal instrument liners ready to use?

Below is a list of Random Pilling Tester Liners for Impulse and Orbitor that are either ready to use or require preparation.

Random Tumble Pilling Tester

Ready to use:

  • Cork Liner for Impulse (393-527)
  • Cork Liners – Extra Long (393-533)

Require preparation:

  • Neoprene Liners (758–566)

Neoprene liners need to be cleaned on both sides with a paste made with IEC A Detergent to remove any residue from the manufacturing process.

After cleaning they should be run in on both sides using 3 specimens of the standard in-house reference fabric.

Detailed instructions of these procedures can be found in annex A of ISO 12945-3.


Run in before use:

  • Cork Liners for pilling
  • Cork Liners for snagging

These should both be run in using four empty polyurethane tubes for 200 hours at 60rpm.

The setting for running in cork liners is included in the software on Orbitor.

Thorough cleaning must be carried out to remove cork dust before testing commences.